Hellsent's new trade list and mag farm! (Updated 1/22/24)
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:44 pm Posts: 108 Location: The Frozen Plains
Hellsent's new trade list and mag farm! (Updated 1/22/24)
Hello and welcome to my recreated trade list and mag farm. Primary guild card number: 42000780
Version history
1/22/24: Added a ton of stuff. Check inventories and common bank. Added some wants. 9/12/23: Removed a whole bunch of wants from my tradelist. Inventory and banks have NOT been updated, I am waiting until after the holidays to do that. 7/30/23: Changed some wants. Fixed an error in bbcode. 2/21/23: Have not been playing but feel free to DM me on Discord or mention me in the Discord group if you want a game. Probably after TTF and RT are back, lol. Added about 6 items and check the bottom of my common bank, Santa was generous this year. 9/28/22: Updated Hellsent and Redbot's inventory and banks. Lots of farming happened, I suppose I have a lot of free Frozen Shooters to give out to new players. Common bank has been updated to reflect the use of grinders and theres a few more weapons in it. Thanks for the generous donations dataDyne and thanks for the berigud trade, Prof. Sad. 9/24/22: Changed mag prices to reflect the market's consensus. Asking a little more since my Agastyas have the correct PBs and reasonable stats (nice even numbers). Asking a lot for the Ratis simply because they literally took me 2 weeks to raise sitting here 8 hrs a day (which is all my back and hips can take). Used my Linux GIMP skills to update/improve the mag farm image because I was bored. Using the PSO font, no less. 9/20/22: Lowered prices on all mags to try and generate interest. Also gave away some mag cells to Nightmare, so the common bank has been updated to reflect that. 9/9/22: Completed roughly 200 runs of BPD2 on hard. Check the common bank. Might start raising mags soon but I'll have to think about it. 9/7/22: Added a want and removed some. Added descriptions of each bank. I'm too lazy to do the servreader right now and still doing BPD2 so expect a larger update in a week. Added a deals section at the top of the tradelist. (Yes, I am undercutting you all.) Thanks again to balance and dataDyne for the recent trades.Also, guys please reply below with what color Agastyas you would like to see or want as I am planning on making more mags... eventually 9/4/22: Added a bunch of wants. 9/3/22: HUGE UPDATE. I sold mags. A little birdie gave me some things from my wants list, see Hell and Red's inventory. Moved a ton of Heavenly and other units from Common Bank to Hellsent's bank. Done BPD2 119 times and still have 70 some PCs to go. Will sell Lib Kits for 5 PDs each as I've only gotten 7 in 118 runs. Acquired a few photon spheres as well. Added free mags section at the bottom of the mag farm section.
Wall of text about mag prices deleted. Though I am still asking more for the Ratis as they literally took 2 weeks to raise.
If you buy more than one mag, I will give a discount on them (generally 5 PDs off the listed value of each mag) since you're buying more than one!
I generally don't like doing custom orders, but if you provide a baby mag of the color you want I might be willing to try. PM me and tell me what you would offer in exchange from my wants or otherwise and I'll consider it.
Mags I can raise: Pow/Dex Rati Pow/Dex Agastya though I need to hunt more Liberta Kits Pow/Dex Sato Mind/Dex Sato (you will have to provide a large amount of meseta as these are very expensive and require Difluid from 100-200) I can do other kit mags, check my common bank in the tradelist
9/22/22: Just finished 8 Agastyas with the Lib Kits I hunted in BPD2, 5 went to other players, the remaining 3 plus Hellsent's blue one have been added at the bottom of the mag list.
About mag feeding:
It is important to feed any mag you get from me, because as you play, it's Synchro will decrease. This affects PB gain rate, PB damage, and the likelihood of mag triggers (buffs, invincibility, healing, revival on death) occuring. Every time you die with a mag equipped, it will lose 5% synchro. Feed SATO Moon Atomizers to raise it's Synchro. Feed CHU CHU Sol Atomizers to raise it's Synchro. Feed Rati Dimates to raise it's Synchro. Feed Agastya Sol Atomizers to raise it's Synchro. It is a good idea to do this in your free time/when no one is on to keep the Synchro high!
Currently offered mags (click the spoiler for a picture):
FREE MAGS SECTION I inherited some mags that are unfinished from Neo. These don't really seem to have followed a feeding plan, or they were being made for a hybrid character (like Hunewearl) but who puts Def on a mag? Therefore these are free for anyone who wants to finish them. The Tapas is ready to evolve and be kitted and turned into a Mind/Dex mag for a FO.
End of Mag Farm section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Centurion/Ability = 1 PD SMARTLINK = 1 PD DIVINE PROTECTION = 1 PD Liberta Kit = 5 PDs 0'd BPD weapon of your choice (excluding Yamigarisu, Tanegashima) = 1 PD FO weapons from my common bank = 1 PD
End of Deals section
Tradelist Most of the gear in both of my characters inventory's I am not willing to let go of. HOWEVER, these items will be marked in Red. If someone offered a Sealed J-Sword, S-Rank J-sword for Hellsent's Dark Flow, for example, I would consider this and probably be willing to trade! Also, I have run BPD and BPD2 a lot so I have a lot of hard-to-get weapons, but they all have 0/0/0/0/0 stats.
Additionally, if any players are new to the server and want any FREE gear, stuff like Frozen Shooter, Crush Bullet, Cross Scar, 0'd Master Raven or Last Swan, 0'd BPD stuff etc please pm me and I will hook you up ingame.
|\/|4|-| p|-|4t |00t
Hellsent's (HUmar) inventory
EXCALIBUR [1400] (120/0/0/120|120) L&K38 COMBAT +25 (120/0/0/120|120) TSUMIKIRI J-SWORD +50 [1350] (70/0/0/70|70) SEALED J-SWORD [1350] (0/70/70/0|70) TWO KAMUI (0/0/0/0|0) GIRASOLE (0/25/0/15|0) Demon's HELLSENT KATANA +99 DARK FLOW (0/50/50/0|50) SLICER OF FANATIC +30 (0/0/45/40|25) Demon's TypeSW/J-Sword +125 (0/120/120/0|120) AURA FIELD Slots:4 DFP:50 EVP:18 RED RING DFP:85 EVP:25 (max stat) State/Maintenance V101 CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY Red Tellusis Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (0/150/50/0) Sky Blue Agastya Lv:200 Sync:115 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0)
Common bank (FO weapons, armors, shields, units, mag cells, mags, grinders, scape dolls)
TWIN KAMUI (120/120/0/0|120) (stfailure's) MACE OF ADAMAN (0/0/20/0|0) CLUB OF ZUMIURAN (0/0/0/0|0) VALKYRIE (0/0/15/0|0) L&K38 COMBAT +25 (120/0/0/120|120) (stfailure's) STING TIP (0/0/0/0|0) DOUBLE CANNON (0/70/0/70|70) (stfailure's) TSUMIKIRI J-SWORD +50 [1350] (0/70/70/0|70) (stfailure's) MADAM'S UMBRELLA (0/0/0/0|0) LAST SWAN +9 (120/0/0/120|120) (stfailure's) WINDMILL (0/0/45/40|0) HILDEBEAR'S CANE (0/0/0/0|0) HILDEBLUE'S CANE (0/0/0/0|0) RABBIT WAND (0/0/0/0|0) THE SIGH OF A GOD (0/0/0/5|0) BRANCH OF PAKUPAKU (25/0/0/25|0) TALIS (0/0/5/25|0) TALIS (0/0/10/0|0) MAHU (15/20/0/0|0) SLICER OF FANATIC +30 (0/0/120/120|120) (stfailure's) EXCALIBUR [1350] (70/0/0/70|70) (stfailure's) SOLFERINO (0/0/0/0|0) DECALOG (0/0/0/0|0) DECALOG (0/0/0/0|0) DECALOG (0/0/0/0|0) PRINCIPAL'S GIFT PARASOL (0/0/0/0|0) REVIVAL GARMENT Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 SENSE PLATE Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 FLOWEN'S FRAME Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 CUSTOM FRAME Ver.00 Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 GUARD WAVE Slots:4 DFP:15 EVP:1 DF FIELD Slots:4 DFP:12 EVP:16 LUMINOUS FIELD Slots:4 DFP:41 EVP:20 CHU CHU FEVER Slots:4 DFP:0 EVP:0 FLAME GARMENT Slots:4 DFP:0 EVP:0 BRIGHTNESS CIRCLE Slots:2 DFP:0 EVP:0 AURA FIELD Slots:4 DFP:0 EVP:0 (stfailure's) SACRED CLOTH Slots:0 DFP:44 EVP:6 SACRED CLOTH Slots:0 DFP:26 EVP:1 SACRED CLOTH Slots:3 DFP:34 EVP:4 MORNING PRAYER Slots:1 DFP:6 EVP:9 BLUE ODOSHI VIOLET NIMAIDOU Slots:4 DFP:0 EVP:0 RED COAT Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 THIRTEEN Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 ALLIANCE UNIFORM Slots:2 DFP:0 EVP:0 COMMANDER UNIFORM Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 CRIMSON COAT Slots:1 DFP:9 EVP:7 INFANTRY GEAR Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 LIEUTENANT GEAR Slots:2 DFP:16 EVP:3 SAMURAI ARMOR Slots:0 DFP:0 EVP:0 LIGHT RELIEF DFP:0 EVP:0 SHIELD OF DELSABER DFP:0 EVP:0 PROTO REGENE GEAR DFP:0 EVP:0 REGENE GEAR ADV. DFP:0 EVP:0 RED RING DFP:14 EVP:12 STANDSTILL SHIELD DFP:0 EVP:0 KASAMI BRACER DFP:0 EVP:0 RICO'S EARRING DFP:20 EVP:21 SECURE FEET DFP:0 EVP:0 BLUE RING (Real) DFP:3 EVP:0 GREEN RING (Real). DFP:3 EVP:5 PURPLE RING (Real). DFP:5 EVP:0 ANTI-DARK RING DFP:0 EVP:0 STRIKER PLUS DFP:3 EVP:2 REGENERATE GEAR B.P. DFP:7 EVP:0 DF SHIELD DFP:0 EVP:0 FROM THE DEPTHS DFP:0 EVP:0 (stfailure's) DE ROL LE SHIELD DFP:0 EVP:0 DE ROL LE SHIELD DFP:0 EVP:0 RED UNION GUARD DFP:0 EVP:0 STINK SHIELD DFP:0 EVP:0 V501 V501 SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK SMARTLINK DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION DIVINE PROTECTION CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY CENTURION/ABILITY Heavenly/Resist Heavenly/Resist Green Kaitabha Lv:50 Sync:120 IQ:30 (21/22/0/7) Red Kaitabha Lv:50 Sync:120 IQ:31 (21/22/0/7) Pink Tapas Lv:49 Sync:80 IQ:192 (10/0/5/34) Yellow Kalki Lv:24 Sync:59 IQ:114 (5/8/11/0) Red CHU CHU Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0) Yellow Rati Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0) Sky Blue Rati Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0) White Rati Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0) Orange Sato Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/150/45/0) Red Tellusis Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/150/45/0) (stfailure's) Slate Blue Agastya Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0) White Agastya Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/145/50/0) Blue Agastya Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/150/45/0) Green Agastya Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/150/45/0) Yellow Agastya Lv:200 Sync:120 IQ:200 (5/150/45/0) Monomate x10 Trimate x10 Rabarta Disk: Lv.20 Zalure Disk: Lv.20 Jellen Disk: Lv.20 Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Scape Doll Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Power Material Cell Of MAG 502 Parts Of RoboChao Heart Of Opa Opa Heart Of Pian Heart Of Chao Delsabre's Left Arm Cladding of Epsilon STAR AMPLIFIER STAR AMPLIFIER STAR AMPLIFIER HEART OF CHU CHU HEART OF DEVIL KIT OF HAMBERGER PANTHER'S SPIRIT KIT OF MASTER SYSTEM KIT OF MASTER SYSTEM KIT OF GENESIS KIT OF SEGA SATURN KIT OF SEGA SATURN KIT OF DREAMCAST Unused Amplifier 3 (Rafoie) Unused Amplifier 3 (Rafoie) Unused Amplifier 4 (Barta) HEART OF KAPUKAPU PHOTON DROP x24 PHOTON SPHERE x71 (30 are stfailure's) PHOTON CRYSTAL x99 BOOK OF KATANA 2 Dragon Scale Heaven Striker Coat Heaven Striker Coat D-Photon Core Liberta Kit Liberta Kit Liberta Kit
End of tradelist/bank section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I collect Katanas on Hellsent. As you may have noticed I have Raikiri, Two Kamui, Kamui, Agitos, Sange and Yasha, Yamigarasu etc. If you have any I am missing we can work out a trade. I am looking for a Musashi and a Asuka to add to my collection of weapons. Got a Kusanagi and Kamui again.
0'd Last Swans from BPD2 normal to hand out to new female players. I did 20+ runs of BPD2 normal and only got a single one. Will pay a PD each.
Another PGF.
Max stat Red Ring.
Any other cool guns I'm missing for Redbot. Ones I don't know about.
PDs, PSes.
PCs for BPD though I have 70+ already so I may not need them. I will take PCs instead of PDs for items eg. 3 PCs = 1 PD (it was this way when I joined and traded in the past)
This is the end of my half-arsed Mag Farm and junky tradelist. Thanks for looking. Feel free to reply or pm me if you are interested in anything. I have a lot of other games to play but I will try my best to check the forums weekly!
_________________ GC: 42000780 Hellsent / HUmar / Oran / 18x Redbot / RAcast / Purplenum / 18x Ghost DX / HUcast / Skyly / Mag Farmer Magz / FOmarl / Viridia / Mag Farmer Redbot is my main. My Tradelist My HWBOT profile
Last edited by hellsent on Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:09 pm, edited 43 times in total.
Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:43 pm
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:44 pm Posts: 108 Location: The Frozen Plains
Re: Hellsent's new trade list and mag farm! (HUGE UPDATE 9/3
Bumping since there was a huge update.
_________________ GC: 42000780 Hellsent / HUmar / Oran / 18x Redbot / RAcast / Purplenum / 18x Ghost DX / HUcast / Skyly / Mag Farmer Magz / FOmarl / Viridia / Mag Farmer Redbot is my main. My Tradelist My HWBOT profile
Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:51 am
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:44 pm Posts: 108 Location: The Frozen Plains
Re: Hellsent's new trade list and mag farm! (Updated: 9/20/2
Bump since mag prices were lowered.
_________________ GC: 42000780 Hellsent / HUmar / Oran / 18x Redbot / RAcast / Purplenum / 18x Ghost DX / HUcast / Skyly / Mag Farmer Magz / FOmarl / Viridia / Mag Farmer Redbot is my main. My Tradelist My HWBOT profile
Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:14 pm
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:44 pm Posts: 108 Location: The Frozen Plains
Re: Hellsent's new trade list and mag farm! (Updated 1/22/24
Big update requires a bump.
_________________ GC: 42000780 Hellsent / HUmar / Oran / 18x Redbot / RAcast / Purplenum / 18x Ghost DX / HUcast / Skyly / Mag Farmer Magz / FOmarl / Viridia / Mag Farmer Redbot is my main. My Tradelist My HWBOT profile
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