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Does Red Ring Rico survive? 
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The mother judge
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Post Does Red Ring Rico survive?
The ambiguity surrounding this - and there is some - effectively allows the individual to choose whether they believe that Rico survives or perishes as a result of her Falzly intrusions. But what do you guys think and why?

Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:43 pm
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Post Re: Does Red Ring Rico survive?
PSO takes place 1000 years after the events of PS4

Even though you kill the profound darkness, dark falz is a different entity which still comes around every 1,000 years.

PSO EP 1,2,3, ps0

In the year 3095 (After Reawakening for the 5th time) - Rico is dead.


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"Lazy-guy. I wonder what they call the deluxe model? The hopeless slack-ass?"


Last edited by japanaman2 on Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:18 pm
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Post Re: Does Red Ring Rico survive?
Oh wow, Jap. I've been wondering where that site was for ages and you had it. Thank you.

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Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:19 pm
The mother judge
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Post Re: Does Red Ring Rico survive?
That is a good site, but I wouldn't take it to be the gospel truth on all matters - he holds rather simplistic interpretations of events on some points.

What you see when you kill Falz on a difficulty above normal is her body, not her spirit. Compare her release to Flowen's from Olga, he's orange and sparkly and clearly a spiritual form whereas she's not.

Also this from the DC version when you beat Falz on the hardest difficulty: Rico appearing before Tyrell and Irene to their surprise


I know in a different it shows them looking sad sans Rico, but that's if you manage the relatively easy task of completing the game on an easier difficulty. You can choose which continuity you'd like to play in.

japanaman2 wrote:
PSO takes place 1000 years after the events of PS4
Even though you kill the profound darkness, dark falz is a different entity which still comes around every 1,000 years.

PSIV takes place in AW 2284, PSO in 3084 AUW. That's 800 years. This Falz has been theorised to have other reasons for existing.

Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:33 pm
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Post Re: Does Red Ring Rico survive?
I can explain that pick this xmas when I finish up the quest lol.
It is exactly what i was looking for.

The reason is due to dark ages and people Movita burning history books and mass genocides from false profits which would of eventually popped up in that amount of time along with effectively whiping out 200 years of recorded history in a dark age. Dezo undergoes 3 new ice ages during these 1000 years as well.

Meanwhile back on Mobious...

After a time shift caused by Sonic and friends.

The planet Palma was recreated and only 800 years assumed past however the people from the time shift forgot many things along with the name of the planet and that it is part of seal of protection and Palma was renamed coral.

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Dr. Frasier Crane wrote:
"Lazy-guy. I wonder what they call the deluxe model? The hopeless slack-ass?"


Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:35 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:37 am
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Post Re: Does Red Ring Rico survive?
If it killed rico in its 5th resurrection in 3095 I'd say Falz came tp us early this time?

Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:54 am
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