Re: Theme song topic. (Not your character.)
Great idea, Wench!
Carnelian/too many altshttps://youtu.be/qPEaZAYkn6UWhat this person does to some of this person's alts, particularly mmnk!!! Tragic
Datadyne/Nayti/Mr Blondehttps://youtu.be/DSGl1N_RJW8Stealth Suit, no EDK, zerking. This man is wild and untamable
Waltz/Saunterhttps://youtu.be/AkFqg5wAuFkNo explanation warranted
Hellsenthttps://youtu.be/6ZD9o5AR2NoBecause a guy named Hellsent needs to be represented by a band named Hell Fire
zyo/jiyo/gyohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_E2EHVxNAE&ab_channel=RichardMarxVEVOHe keeps his friends Right Here Waiting
Toxhttps://youtu.be/dmChJ9GUXxc"Yo, it's time for a coffee break!"
Vaela/Saerom/random Korean namehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNNGJdcjfsc&ab_channel=SEE%27QUENCE